This searchfield searches the typed in search terms either in the whole variant db or in the tagged datatset (that is, if you selected a specific tag from the tag cloud before).
f you are searching a word, our algorithm interprets this word. If it only contains latin characters, it searches the "normal" fulltext indexes. If it detects at least one non-latin character like a chinese sign it searches the new ngram indexes.
That means, the normal fulltext index finds complete latin words. If the ngram index is used, the individual characters are searched which does only make sense with chinese signs.
A combined search in both index variants is not yet possible.
You can also search for the id, but this does not currently work in combination with other search terms.
It is possible to use operators while searching. This example shows how the individual operators are used:
Three plus four is seven
No operators used, so every single word is searched as optional
+Three plus +four is seven
The word Three and the word four must be present in the search results, think of it like an inclusion
-Three plus -four is seven
The word Three and the word four must not be present in the search results, think of it like an exclusion
"Three plus four is seven"
Searches for the whole phrase
Wildcard search. Not only the word seven would be found, but for example the word heaven as well
Note: The field "Filter search results by" below this search is not a search function. It is a filter which filters the result in the table by pinyin, standard character or id.